Selasa, 29 November 2016

your favorite swlfie and why

Name : Oktovorus Bayo                                                         NIM : C1022161032
Faculty of Agriculture                                                            Prodi agribusiness
English task about favorite selfie
Photo Selfi together with friends, becauseSelfie is part of an experience. So every event or activity does not escape with the documentation of the session? Selfie session it will make an event seem more exciting. In addition, the air-selfie with friends, we will share beautiful moments style would be very unfortunate if not perpetuated. When are traveling across town or culinary in a place to eat, will be a wonderful moment to remember another day. Therefore, with selfie, we can capture the moment with the experience of friends who come to take pictures.
Also why I chose the same Selfi friend, not as a girlfriend because it does not have a boyfriend selfie same goods friends, others can be had different styles, that's all thanks to me know about Selfi,

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